Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Too much TLC!

So, I spend a lot of time in my hotel room, despite being out on the tundra for hours out of everyday. And I invariably end up spending a lot of time with the TV on. I've mentioned movies I've watched, but what i've also been watching an aweful lot of TLC. I even got sucked into a marathon of episodes of "Cake Boss". Who would have known that "Cake Boss" could be so entertaining! That guy can turn anything into a cake!

But... my real reason for bringing up TLC is the latest from Huggies. Have you guys seen the commercial for their new line of Fashionista baby diapers? What is the world coming to?? "My diaper is full... full of fashion!" "When I do number two... I look like number one." "I poo... in blue!" I don't know whether to laugh, or cry, but I can't help but laugh a little. Brilliant!

I just got back from wing night... yes, there is a wing night here! And they're pretty good... lemon pepper and cajun lime, yum! Yet another beautiful, bright, sunny cloudless day. It has been about 20 degrees, t-shirt weather! And because the sun stays in the sky for sooo long it doesn't cool much in the evening. Both my hotel room and my office are south facing so I am just cooking! At home, at work... hot! And with the warm weather... comes the bugs. Oh boy, they're pretty bad, but they're not biting so much as bugging.

I got great news today. I get to do some travelling next week! There is a meeting on an experimental arctic char fisheries allocation program (I know, right!) in Pangnirtung, which is about an hour away, also on Baffin Island. I get to fly up there next Tuesday and I'll be there until Thursday. A nice way to break up the week, if I do say so myself! The terrain is quite different up there as well, so I am looking forward to it! And you know what that will mean.... more pictures!

Good night my friends...

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