Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Jimmy Gets Here in ONE HOUR!

I wanted to send off a quick up date before I head out to pick dad up at the airport, because I know I am going to be distracted for the next week (though I may have to make arrangements for a special Jimmy of the North entry). So he arrives this afternoon and will be here for a week. I have lots of fun things planned, including (just got official word today) a full-day boat tour of the bay! I am VERY excited about this as there is a, albeit remote, chance that we will see a polar bear and/or whales, seals, walrus... very exciting. Let's just hope the weather forecast holds.

Speaking of weather, the situation in Iqaluit has improved dramatically (it didn't have to change much for dramatic improvement! It was pretty bad). Saturday was pretty foggy again, but Sunday was BEAUTIFUL! Just gorgeous... I was out berry picking for hours in the sun, just the right temperature. It was lovely... the entire town of Iqaluit took off out onto the tundra, there were people grazing the fields like cattle by the dozens.

This was Saturday... it was kind of errie...

This scene reminded me of the swamps from Lord of the Rings... I kept expecting to see dead Kings of days gone past in the water (for all you LOTR geeks like me).

Very distressing! There are colour changes happening already! Are you kidding me!

And this was Sunday, ahhh... the bay was glossy and serene, there were even sea kayakers out!

And this is the river where I was berry picking... I was tempted to have a nap in the sun.

More big, fat, juicy berries!

I have been spending A LOT of time at the Humane Society lately, maybe even too much time, but there are so many furry friends in need. They are so desperate for love and attention, it just breaks my heart, and we're so busy that we don't have very much time to spend with each of them.

This is Whitey, she's a sweety. She knows just how to pull at my heart strings.

And this is Sandy... can you guess where the name comes from. She is lovely, and so well trained, but not adjusting well to kennel life. All she did was shake and cry for the first few days and she wouldn't eat or drink :( but she is coming around. She LOVES her walks, she's very lady like.

And these are the puppies... SO sweet and SOOO happy all the time...

This is bear... can you guess why? He looks even more like a bear in person, and you would not believe how much he sounds like a baby bears!

And this is Oliver... I just love Oliver, he is so sweet. He would not last a heart beat at a shelter at home (as in someone would have snatched him up already!), such a beautiful face!

I think I hear dad's plane landing! Got to run! (only takes me about ten minutes to walk to the airport, if that!)

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