Wednesday, December 15, 2010

All work and no play makes Lesley a dull girl…

Well, winter has definitely descended upon this sleepy little town. Temperatures finally dropped to the -30° that I kept hearing about, but it’s not so bad. With the cold come clear skies and beautiful sunrises and sunsets (that take place only five hours apart!). I stayed home from work today (haven’t been feel up to par this week) and this is the sunrise that I woke up to… just spectacular!

A little later in the day I went with Siu-Ling down to the dog yard to feed the dogs. They were all in good spirits today as usual. I really enjoyed seeing momma Gigi playing with her two pups. It’s really interesting because she plays with them, but at the same time there is a level of seriousness to her play. She is teaching them their place in the team, particularly picking on Bo, the more dominant of the two pups. He really needs to be put in his place… it’ll be good for him.

As you can see from the pictures we have lots of snow now! About a week ago we got a couple of days of snow and then temperatures dropped even further. Now Iqaluit is buried in snow and reminds me more of the town I first met. It was in early May that I was flown up here for my interview and there was a similar amount of snow on the ground, frozen windswept landscapes and skidoo tracks criss-crossing here and there. Everything was so unfamiliar then. It gives me a bit of a tingly feeling thinking about my first impressions back then and everything that has happened since…

I must say I don’t recall seeing skidoos driving around in traffic back then! But here they are…

On the weekend I rushed into Northmart just before closing time, only to find myself immersed in a crowd of anxious people in the baked goods department all looking up. I looked up to find myself below a net of balloons which I overheard someone say contained coupons for free stuff. That sounds like fun! Then I overheard someone else say that last year teeth were lost and blood was spilled over the same challenge, so I quickly got myself out of there. Yes, this may have been the most happening thing taking place in Iqaluit on a Saturday night… and no, I didn’t even see a drop of blood!

This blog entry is kind of lame! But so was my weekend… I’ll try and be more exciting next time :)

1 comment:

  1. Great posts Lesley,

    I will be doing some uploading of pictures later today and will send you the ones form the Turducken party. We missed you .

