Thursday, August 5, 2010

Rainy skies make Lesley a dull girl...

Oh my dear god, the rain that came down last night! We are getting washed away up here! I have seen one day of sun in the past eight or nine days and I’m not going to lie, it is bringing gloom to more than just the sky. I didn’t even get out for a hike on the long weekend! I stayed inside and watched movies all weekend (oh, all right, I admit it, I watched a whole season of Big Love... Jenny will appreciate that). I did make it out for my first appearance at the local Royal Canadian Legion though. Yeah, that’s right, the Legion is THE place to be on a Saturday night. It was actually really fun. It was Eva’s (my roommate) birthday so there was a good crew of folks out, really nice people. I was also invited to a dinner party on Sunday night, so I am getting out there!

One thing the cloudy skies have continued to deliver is spectacular sunsets! Usually by the evening the rain has stopped and I just sit there transfixed at my window, enjoying nature’s light show. I have a pretty good view of the setting sun from my bedroom window. And another great thing about cooler, wetter weather is that there are no bugs! I have to remind myself of that more, that is a really great thing. And I don’t even mind the cool weather, it’s the rain that keeps me in.

I caught my first Arctic char! I went out fishing with a friend on Monday and borrowed his gear and caught a fish! They are a really beautiful fish, a brilliant shimmery green with darker green spots (they are sometimes pink, but not on my fish). Unfortunately I don’t have a picture to share! They are on Matthew’s camera and he is gone off hiking the Pangnirtung Pass for two weeks with Eva. I will tell you this though... that fish was delicious!

So, as I said, Eva is away in Pangnirtung, and then she is off to Ellesmere for two weeks (lucky girl!), so I have the house to myself for four weeks. Her two kitties though are there to keep me company, Spook and Lulu. It took Spook all of two night s to come in and sleep on my bed once Eva left. He’s a needy little guy. Lulu has been sleeping with me since I moved in, so she is not too impressed with Spook right now, but here is a picture of one of the more relaxed interactions I have seen between the two of them...

I also started to volunteer at the local human society. There are so many dogs and puppies in need up here. I suspect that the proportion of the dog population up here that is spayed/neutered is very low. They are just full of puppies this week... here is one of my new friends. Her name is Eliza, can you tell why I like her so much? For those of you who haven’t met my Ella, she looks like a little mini, shaggy Ella.

Since I don’t have any fish pictures, and I haven’t been out much this week so I don’t have any other pictures to share, I will pass on part of my collection of tundra flower pictures. Tundra flowers are small and subtle, but quite as brilliant at the landscape level as I expected. In general the rolling hills appear a solid green, but with a keener eye one finds them lightly blanketed in colour – purple, pink, white, yellow... here are some of my favourites with more to come later.

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